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- Description
- Details
This harmonious blend of fruits, herbs and spices, complemented by the taste of natural apricot and honey, brings the lightness of spring and early summer right into your tea glass. This 100% natural fruit tea is delicious as ice tea and hot tea.
Floral and fruity. When you pour the warm tea water over the fruit blend, the tea smells like a lovely spring/summer fruit garden.
Fruity and flowery taste, in which the taste of honey and apricot predominates.


    100 °C


    8-10 minutes
Ingrediënten: valeriaanwortel, st. janskruid, citroenmelisse, venkel, kamille, lavendel, korenbloem
Allergie-informatie: bevat geen allergenen producten.
Theïne: Nee
Biologisch: Deze thee hebben wij Biologisch ingekocht
Ten minste houdbaar tot: na bezorging minimaal 6 maanden houdbaar.
Bewaaradvies: goed afgesloten, droog en donker bewaren.
Artikelnummer: ET00057