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- Description
- Details
Masala Chai (Chai Latte) is a classic pungent tea drink from India. The tea is made by mixing black tea, warm milk, herbs and spices. In addition to the classic herbs, this variant has extra ingredients such as peppermint and citrus peels. Also without the addition of milk an absolute must (nice and sharp!). Very tasty both hot and iced.
Smells fresh, minty and pungent.
Tastes fresh and cooling to mint, light sweet notes of licorice and spicy to cloves and ginger.
Would you like to make a Chai Latte tea from this tea? Read the recipe here.


    100 °C


    8-10 minutes
Ingrediënten: appel stukjes, rozenbottel schillen, hibiscus, pepermunt, bramen, rode bessen, aardbeien stukjes, rode biet stukjes, nana mint, frambozen, zoete zwarte bessen bladeren, aroma, rozenblaadjes.
Allergie-informatie: geen
Theïne: Nee
Ten minste houdbaar tot: na bezorging minimaal 6 maanden houdbaar.
Bewaaradvies: goed afgesloten, droog en donker bewaren.
Artikelnummer: ET00027